Saturday, February 27, 2016

Jim Brown getting a Statue by the Cleveland Browns. Here's who else deserves a statue.

The Cleveland Browns have recently announced that they will erect a statue of Jim Brown. This is fitting for the man who is possibly the greatest player in the history of the NFL.

With that said, here are five other Cleveland Browns who also deserve a statue:


"The Father of Modern Football" is certainly the game's greatest innovator. He also deserves to have the NFL's Coach of the Year Award named after him. You can also learn more about him on a previous Blog of mine.


"Automatic Otto" should be in every Greatest Quarterback of all Time Debate. Only QB in the history of Pro Football to lead his team to 10 Straight League Championship Games: Four in the All-America Football Conference (AAFC) and Six in the NFL. The modern NFL Equivalent of this would be making it to Six Straight Super Bowls.


One of the most beloved Browns of all time. Played both Offensive Tackle and Placekicker. Even if he played only one of those positions, he still would have been recognized as an All-Pro. He is also the only Browns Player to be a member of all 4 NFL World Championship Teams and all 4 AAFC Championship Teams


Willis helped integrate the Ohio State when Paul Brown (then the Ohio State Head Coach.) brought him into the program in 1941, helping the Buckeyes win their first National Championship in 1942. He was later among those who helped integrate Pro Football in 1946.


Before Jim Brown, there was Marion Motley. A bruising, hard physical runner at fullback who was a nightmare to tackle. Along with Willis, helped integrate the sport of Pro Football in 1946 when the Browns came into existence in the AAFC.

Friday, November 6, 2015

Paul Brown is FINALLY Getting his due from the NFL (...and why he is the most important figure in the history of American Football.)

Tonight (November 6, 2015) The NFL Network will FINALLY give Paul Brown his due as The Father of Modern Football. (Interesting how this is being shown on the 20th Anniversary of Art Modell announcing his move to Baltimore.)

For way too long, Paul Brown has been ignored by NFL Historians for any number of reasons. Here are the reasons in my opinion why:

  • The "If it happened before the Super Bowl Era, it doesn't count" Mentality that the NFL has managed to brainwash much of the media and fans into believing. A Level of Brainwashing that Mao, Lenin, Stalin and Goebbels would be proud of.
  • It has to do with the two pro teams that Brown is affiliated with: The Cleveland Browns and Cincinnati Bengals
  • There was a lot of resentment by both The (1950's) NFL Establishment because of his immediate success in the NFL after coming over from the All-America Football Conference (AAFC) which was seen as an inferior league by the NFL, and the AFL Establishment because Brown saw starting The Bengals as his way of rejoining the NFL as he saw that they would eventually either merge with the NFL or have an NFL/AFL working agreement like in Major League Baseball.

It's true that Lombardi, Walsh, Landry and Shula are all Legends and True Hall of Famers, but many Football Historians and knowledgeable fans consider to be the Father of Modern Pro Football. Here are the reasons why:

Brown wasn't the only person to help in this, but was a Major Part of it. When The Rams moved to Los Angeles from Cleveland, the City of Los Angeles stipulated that The NFL must desegregate. The Browns began in the All-America Football Conference (AAFC) in 1946 and many of the teams there signed African-American Players from the beginning. Paul Brown signed many and played them. He also Desegregated The Ohio State Football Program when he was named Head Coach in 1941

Many men that Coached and/or Played for Brown became notable Hall of Fame Head Coaches themselves:

WEEB EWBANK: Coached under Brown in Cleveland (1949-1953). They were teammates at Miami University in Ohio. Coached the Baltimore Colts to the 1958 and 1959 NFL World Championship then coached the New York Jets to the 1968 AFL Championship and Super Bowl III (Becoming the first AFL Team to do that.)

DON SHULA: Played for Brown (Cornerback) in Cleveland (1951-1952). Played for Ewbank in Baltimore (1953-1956) Became Head Coach of The Baltimore Colts and Miami Dolphins. Won Super Bowls VII and VIII as Dolphins Head Coach and Holds the record for both Regular Season Wins (328) and Super Bowl Appearances as Head Coach (6)

CHUCK NOLL: Played for Brown (Guard) in Cleveland (1953-1959). Became Head Coach of The Pittsburgh Steelers where he led them to four Super Bowl Titles (IX-X-XIII-XIV)

BILL WALSH: Coached for Brown in Cincinnati (1968-1975) where he took Brown's Offense and adjusted it for QB Virgil Carter. This variation became the basis for "The West Coast Offense". Coached the 49ers to three Super Bowl Titles (XVI-XIX-XXIII) and developed his own successful coaching tree.

ARA PARSEGHIAN: Played for Brown (Halfback/Defensive Back) in Cleveland (1948-1949). Became a Hall of Fame College Head Coach at Miami (Ohio), Northwestern and Notre Dame. Won two National Championships at Notre Dame (1966, 1973)
Other notable Coaches that played for and/or coached under Brown are Lou Saban, Bud Grant and Blanton Collier.


There's a reason why many regard Paul Brown as "The Father of Modern Pro Football. Aside from the reasons stated above, Browns was a true innovator who came up with the following:

THE FACEMASK: This was thought of by Brown after Otto Graham took a vicious hit in a 1953 Game vs. The 49ers which resulted in needing 15 stitches to his chin area. The first mask was clear plastic but then Brown got together with an engineer with Riddell to invent the modern facemask. (There were College Players before this who wore face masks and other forms of facial protection which were crude in comparison to the modern mask.) He also was the first pro coach to require all of his players to wear them.

COACHES IN THE PRESS BOX AND FULL TIME ASSISTANT COACHES: Brown came up with the idea of placing Assistant Coaches in the Press Box to watch the game and send down plays by phone. Paul Brown began this when he was at Ohio State. He also was the first to make being an assistant coach a full time job at the Pro Level.

PRACTICE SQUADS: Brown came up with this idea of reserve players that practice with the team during the week but do not dress on game day but may be put on the active roster if needed. Originally, this was nicknamed "Taxi Squad" as these players were technically employees of Mickey McBride's (Original Browns Owner) Yellow Cab Franchise in Cleveland. (According to Terry Pluto, the players on the Taxi Squad never really worked as Cab Drivers,) This was soon adopted by all NFL Teams in a different way in terms of procedure, but the "Taxi Squad" name stuck for many years.

SENDING IN PLAYS FROM THE SIDELINE: Brown came up with this idea. Back then, Brown would rotate Guards during the game, sending them in with the play he wanted called by the Offense. They were nicknamed "Messenger Guards". One of whom was Chuck Noll who later became Head Coach of The Steelers.

RADIO REVCIEVER EARPIECE IN THE QUARTERBACK'S HELMET: According to the Pro Football Hall of Fame Website; two Ohio Based Inventors named John Campbell and George Sarles came up with the concept of placing a Radio in the Quarterback's Helmet so that plays could be directly sent to him from the sideline. Paul Brown loved the idea and experimented with it during the 1956 Preseason. Here is the full story from the Pro Football Hall of Fame Website.

THE DRAW PLAY: This was actually invented by accident. According to Terry Pluto from his book; "Things I've Learned from watching The Browns" In an AAFC Game, Otto Graham tripped as he was dropping back to pass. As he fell down, he handed the ball to Marion Motley who made a long run out of it as the Defense was prepared for a pass and not a run. From this, Paul Brown designed the Draw Play and it became an effective weapon in his Offense.

PLAYER NOTEBOOKS, GAME FILM & INTELLIGENCE TESTS: These are no doubt from Paul Brown's Academic Background. (He had a Masters Degree in Education from Ohio State.) He felt that players remember plays better if they draw the plays themselves in a notebook. This was his "Classroom" Approach to football. He also was the first to use film of the opponent to study their tendencies. Now common practice with Video and Digital Equipment. He was also the first to use Intelligence Tests as a Scouting Tool.

THE 40-YARD DASH: According to Terry Pluto from his book; "Things I've Learned from watching The Browns" Dante Lavelli said Brown actually first used this at Ohio State as a way to determine who would be on Special Teams as he wanted his fastest players for coverage. This of course, evolved into a Scouting Tool.


Yet again from Terry Pluto in his book; "Things I've Learned from watching The Browns", Brown and Lombardi were friends. When the Packers were looking for a new Head Coach after the 1958 Season, Brown called The Packers to recommend they hire Lombardi. Brown told The Packers that Lombardi was the best Assistant Coach in The NFL. (At the time, Lombardi was The New York Giants Offensive Coordinator and The Giants won the 1958 NFL Championship.) As they say, The Rest is History.


After the 1943 Season, Brown was Drafted into The Navy. He was assigned to be The Head Coach of The Great Lakes Naval Station Football Team in Chicago and Ohio State considered him Head Coach in absentia. Just after this happened, Chicago Tribune Sports Writer Arch Ward came up with the idea of a second Pro Football League which was to start play after WWII. This became The All-America Football Conference, two of their teams still exist today in the NFL: The Browns and The 49ers.

Brown accepted a Very Generous Offer to become Head Coach, GM and a piece of the team from Arthur "Mickey" McBride who was the original Browns Owner and Arch Ward. (Ward was a Chicago Tribune Sportswriter who came up with the Major League Baseball All Star Game, Golden Gloves Boxing Tournament, College All Star Game and the AAFC.) Had he come back to Ohio State, there is little doubt that The Buckeyes would have been a very successful program under Brown. (Brown did coach The Buckeyes to the National Championship in 1942.) By The Way, can you picture The History of Ohio State Football WITHOUT Woody Hayes? (Who was hired in 1951 by Ohio State.) Of course you can't.

Without Woody, you may never had Bo Schembechler, Lou Holtz and Earle Bruce (all of whom were assistants under Woody at one time.) From Bo; you get LSU Head Coach Les Miles and current Michigan Head Coach Jim Harbaugh. Earle himself has an impressive and underrated coaching tree. Urban Meyer, Jim Tressell, Nick Saban, Mark Dantonio and Pete Carroll are among those who were assistants under Earle Bruce at one time.

See how the ripple effect works.

Plus remember this: Three NFL Teams wouldn't even exist if it weren't for Paul Brown (...and Art Modell, but don't get me started.) The Cleveland Browns, Cincinnati Bengals and Baltimore Ravens.

Terry Pluto: (Please Visit his website: )
Pro Football Hall of Fame

Monday, May 19, 2014

The Browns did the RIGHT THING by limiting the National Media Access at the Rookie Minicamp

Rookie Minicamp is over (The OTA's are starting.) and the National Media is still probably throwing a Hissy Fit that the Cleveland Browns decided to limit their access. BEST DECISION THEY COULD HAVE MADE! It was a no win situation for the Browns anyway. Don't allow the National Media in (...or Limiting their time.) and they whine about how they were restricted. Let the National Media have their way, then they would criticize the Browns for allowing a Circus to happen when in fact, it's the National Media that would bring the Circus.

Memo to the National Media: Let Johnny get to know his future teammates, coaches,
team facility, etc. before bringing your Circus to Town.
Considering that this is a New Coaching Staff, Rookies trying to make a good impression, etc. This is the only sane decision that the Browns could have made. A Media Circus that a player like Johnny Manziel attracts would have been an unwelcome distraction, not to mention that it also would have been unfair to the other Draft Picks and Rookie Free Agent Signees. Of course, they need to learn the Playbook, get to know the Coaches, learn their way around the Browns Facility (...and around the Cleveland Area.) etc.

But all that didn't matter to much of the National Sports Media who just wanted to show The Circus they would have created and they have their collective panties in a bunch that they didn't get to do this. (I won't mention the sports network who is the most guilty of this, but their name has four letters in it.) The Browns are allowing them access this Wednesday.

Fortunately, there are some members of the National Sports Media who are actually sane and agree with what the Browns did. One of these is Pat Kirwan of CBS Here is his Article from May 18 where he praises the Browns for this.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Don't Forget Larry Doby

This Week in Major League Baseball, it was Jackie Robinson Day on April 15, marking the 67th Anniversary of Jackie breaking the Color Barrier in Major League Baseball when he made his debut with The Brooklyn Dodgers in 1947.

What he did is not only one of the most historic moments in sports, but in history. The Racism, Hatred, etc that he faced has been documented. However, there is another man who also made his Major League debut that same season but in the American League with The Cleveland Indians and faced the same problems that Jackie did but is now forgotten for the most part. His name was Larry Doby. Doby is important because it made it possible that Jackie Robinson was not the last.

You have to remember, there was no Interleague Baseball in the 1940's so Doby faced what Robinson did but in a lot of Stadiums that Robinson never played in. Doby made his Major League debut on July 5, 1947 after being signed from the Newark Eagles of the Negro Leagues. Just because Doby was the second man, does not mean that what he faced was any less than what Robinson did, nor are his contributions.

I believe that The Indians should have a Larry Doby Weekend honoring him in July every season.

Here are links where you can learn more about Larry Doby.
Wikipedia - Baseball Hall of Fame -

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Five People you always see during March Madness

It's the time of the year where College Basketball ends up getting as much betting action (Legal and Otherwise.) as The Super Bowl does. I'm sure you have your bracket filled out and will try to get out of work this Thursday and Friday so you can watch. It's also this time of year that in the workplace or if you go to a bar, you will inevitably run into at least one (or maybe all...) of these types of people while watching the NCAA Men's College Basketball Tournament. So here are the five types of people you will see this time of year:
1. THE STAT GEEK GUY: He's the Numbers Cruncher with a few dozen spreadsheets filled with every type of Basketball Statistic you can think of (...along with a few you probably never thought of.) and tries to use this Pseudo-Science to fill out his bracket.
2. THE MULTI-BRACKET GUY: He's the guy who fills out at least 37 brackets in order to try to win money in betting pools and online contests by ESPN, CBS Sports, Fox Sports, etc. and ends up losing with all of them.
3. THE OFFICE POOL COMMISSIONER GUY: He's the guy who acts as if he's running one of the Vegas Books when it's just one of the local pools with a $20 Entry Fee.
4. THE "I CALLED THAT UPSET" GUY:  You always see at least one of these guys at the local sports bar. Everyone in the place is watching a 15-Seed pull the upset against a 2-Seed that nobody saw coming EXCEPT THE GUY IN THE BACK AND HE WON'T SHUT UP ABOUT IT FOR AT LEAST 30 MINUTES. Okay, we get it. How is the rest of your bracket, pal?!?!
5. THE "I DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT BASKETBALL" PERSON: Where all the others are "Guys" because it is mostly males who do this, with this one, it's accurate to use "Person" since you find this a lot with both Genders. These are the people who wouldn't know a Rebound from a Rubber Band and use all kinds of ridiculous reasons to make their picks when filling out a bracket: Team Colors, Team Nickname. The Head Coach is Good Looking, whatever and yet, these are the people that end up winning whatever betting pool they end up joining.

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Why American/Canadian Style Football would never work in the Olympics

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell stated in his "State of The NFL" Speech before The Super Bowl that Football would be an Olympic Sport by 2020. He obviously didn't think this through. Here are four reasons why it would never work as an Olympic Sport:
1. The Timing is bad.
The Winter Games usually take place in February, just after the season. No Pro, College or High School Player would want to play then, and I'm sure that Coaches, etc. wouldn't be too crazy about this either. The Summer Games? You can forget that too. They take place anywhere between July and September which would interfere with Training Camp or the start of the Season.
2. Football is a Game that is normally played once a Week.
Olympic Games span two weeks, at the most there could only be three games for a team: The Opening Round, The Semi-Final and The Medal Round. They would have to be played only on the Weekends.
3. American & Canadian Style Football isn't played in a lot of other Countries.
Seriously, name an NFL, CFL, Arena or even College Player that is a Citizen of a Country other than the United States or Canada? YOU CAN'T. This isn't Baseball, Basketball, Ice Hockey or Soccer. It is played as a Club Sport in some countries, and that is very few. I doubt there would be more that six countries and even that in my opinion is stretching it.
4. American and Canadian Football are different in terms of Field Dimensions and Scoring.
There would be a debate on what style to play. American Pro? American College? American High School? Canadian Pro? Canadian College? Canadian High School? The American Rules would likely be adopted which would force Canadians to play a style that they're not used to.
My guess is that Goodell based it on two things:
1. The Regular Season Game in London always attracts a big crowd. OF COURSE IT DOES. Over there, it's seen by Brits and Europeans the same way that Americans would attend a Soccer Game featuring well known International Clubs like Manchester United and FC Barcelona. IT'S SOMETHING DIFFERENT.
2. NFL Europe had good attendance. Well, there was a reason that most of the teams were based in Germany. All the US Military Based in Germany who obviously saw it as a little piece of home.
I haven't heard anymore about this. Maybe Goodell realized that it just wouldn't work. ( least I hope so.)