Saturday, January 11, 2014

If I could redesign the Cleveland Browns Uniform

The Browns are considering a uniform change. Too bad the lawyers get in the way and you have to be legally solicited by someone (In this case, The Browns, the NFL or Nike.) just to show someone something. I'll bet that this will be better than anything they will come up with. (I used the Nike Combat Uni Template for this.)

To see this in the Original Size, Click Here
Browns Fans as a group tend to be very conservative when it comes to the uniform. You will get dirty looks from Browns Fans if you suggest that the helmet needs a logo. As you can see, I'm using elements of the Classic Browns Uniform and brought back the Two Color Drop Shadow Numbers that the Browns used in 1946. (Their first year of existence.)
Yes, I have been trying to get Legally Solicited to show these.

EDIT: Here is the ONLY Change I would make to the Browns Helmet.

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